

A dozen words or less about actual selected headlines from Yahoo! News, the AP and other sources. (The headlines will be in italics.) You know, like Twitter, only interesting. Away we go! :-)

Coroner Says Man May Have Frozen to Death - 9News.com
I'm guessing the ice cicles weren't a dead giveaway?

In Surprise Visit to War Zone, Obama Prods Afghans - AP
He used a pointy stick followed by Vulcan logic.

Her Career Rising, Palin Now Gives McCain A Boost - AP
He needed help out of his rocking chair.

Marine General: Gays Would Get Their Own Rooms - AP
Pink curtains and Chippendale chairs not included.

Family Dog Rescued Off of Cliff - 9News.com
Family cat is held as "animal of interest." OR
Cliff swears they're just friends.

Tiger Woods Reportedly Loaded Phone with Porn - HuffingtonPost.com
That's bringing the "iTouch" to a whole new level.

Good Thing MTV No Longer Plays Music Videos

Finally, a link to the new video from crazy R&B songstress Erykah Badu. Check it out--but not at work. Although Badu's weird and totally unnecessary nudity is pixallated, you probably still don't want it popping up on your computer screen when the boss walks by.

Unless you work for Tiger Woods.

Or the Republican National Committee apparently.



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