Roman's Turn To Face the Music
So in Europe it is apparently perfectly acceptable for a talented, artistic, charming middle-aged man to invite a 13-year old girl into his home, take semi-nude pictures of her, drug her and then have sex with her? I did not know this. There's a new name for pedophilia in France. It is called a first date.
In all seriousness though, Roman Polanski has gotten away with this crime (and it is a crime, no matter how much his admirers try to spin it--and Polanski pled guilty to it in a court of law) for the last thirty years. His argument that a vain and publicity seeking judge double crossed him and sentenced him when he had agreed to time served is misleading and misses the point. (In the 2008 documentary about the case, this is presented as the reason why Polanski felt he had to flee.) Almost all big name trial judges in Los Angeles are venal publicity whores (Robert Ito, anyone?) and what kind of mindset leads a man of Polanski's obvious intelligence to believe that he had already been properly punished for the crime he committed?
Is Roman Polanski one of the greatest film directors of our time? Undoubtedly--CHINATOWN alone should be required viewing for anyone who loves the art of the cinema and then you have THE VAMPIRE HUNTERS, ROSEMARY'S BABY, THE PIANO and DEATH & THE MAIDEN as well. But this is all irrelevant, because this about a man, a girl and an illegal and immoral act. We can celebrate the artistry of the man, but that should never exonerate him for the act or for the cowardice of hiding out in Europe for three decades to avoid punishment for it.
It is true that the victim has forgiven Polanski and asked that his sentence be commuted. Guess what? Victims are the last people who should be involved in the sentencing process. Her wishes are irrelevant. Let the grand poobahs of Europe try to do what they will, but nothing should stop Polanski from finally being extradited to the United States to serve his time and face his crime.
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