

Warning: at least 73 percent of these mathematical facts are made up. The other 50 percent are completely true!

Number of movies in which Michael Douglas has played either a philandering lawyer or a corrupt financier: 127

Number of quarterbacks currently on the Broncos roster: 3 (Chris Simms was cut today)

Number of Pro Bowl caliber quarterbacks currently on the Broncos roster: 0

Estimated population of the City & County of Denver, 2010: 602,000

Estimated population of Los Angeles, 2010: 3.8 million

Estimated population of Texas, 2010: 24.7 million

Estimated percentage of Denverrites who once lived in L.A. and Texas, 2010: 42%

3D Movie That People Most Want to See, According to Gallup Poll: Avatar 44% (Alice in Wonderland 36%).

3D Movie That People LEAST Want to See, According to Gallup Poll: Sex & The City, 99%.

Percentage of voters who think Congress is doing a good job (NY Times Poll): 25%

Percentage of voters who approve of President Obama's job performance (NY Times Poll): 49%

Percentage of voters who think the most important issues should be decided on American Idol, with Ryan Seacrest as host/president: 71%

Total Domestic Box Office so far for Avatar: $730 million

Total number of Public School Districts in the U.S.: 13,506

Amount of money spent on Avatar if apportioned per school district: $54,074.07.

Amount of money spent by the U.S. on the War in Afghanistan in 2009 alone: approximately $780 million.


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