Reg's Favorite Headlines of the Week
From "NFL Players Vow to Donate Brains for Research"
Reg's comment: It shouldn't affect their availability for Sunday.
From "CU Study: Showers can make people sick"
My comment: Most at risk - hippies!
From CNN: "Rep. Joe Wilson Shouts 'You Lie' to President Obama During Speech"
My comment: He may have confused the President with GOP chairman Michael Steele since Wilson probably still thinks all black people look alike.
The Jay Leno Show (NBC)
It doesn't exactly suck. It's just awfully hard to imagine a large number of Americans spending five hours a week watching something so corny and occasionally painful. I still maintain the way for Jay to go would have been to make it more like the old Ed Sullivan show but with a ten minute monologue at the beginning--Leno would totally rock that format. But the premiere did have a couple of nice jokes plus a surprisingly earnest (and unplanned) apology from the usually insufferable Kanye West that is sure to be talked about tomorrow morning. We shall see how this show plays out over the next few weeks...
Haiku of the Week
Rockies lead Wildcard
The strikeouts are alarming
Just two weeks to go.
Parting Shots
**I don't think its necessary for the replay officials to review every single touchdown scored in the last two minutes. An NFL game is too long and filled with too many interruptions as it is to waste time on unnecessary reviews.
**Kanye West and Serena Williams had very bad weekends but let's not immediately turn them into supervillains for their errors of judgement. West has more of a history of being a boor, but at least he has apologized (and apologized and apologized). But Serena's outburst is more troubling because she refuses to acknowledge what she said and how harmful it was even though numerous replays and observers have confirmed it. No matter how much she didn't mean it, she did threaten to "kill" the the line judge and she was completely out of line. Yes, the foot fault was a bad and especially ill-timed call, but that's no excuse to show no class and suddenly become thuggish. As I've said before, civility may have been one of the first casualties of the 21st Century.
R.I.P. Patrick Swayze. Thanks for the memories and for a valiant fight against pancreatic cancer.
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