

The title of this story is, "Reggie Scott made a big mistake and now he's saying he's sorry."

No, this is not an actual story. Just a plain old blog like the good old days. It is hard to eat crow and even harder to eat grub worms, since you can only eat them while they're alive and they move around in your mouth which feels disgusting. But I digress. I still want to make this blog more literary and I still intend to get my stories and poems out there.

But lets be honest a moment--if you're like me, you have a full time job (one that probably pays you less than you made a year ago), you've got family responsibilities and you have chores and some kind of life. Do you have time to sit down and create a credible piece of literary art every week or two? Something that won't embarrass you? I didn't, you don't and I decided that I couldn't feel bad about that. Every now and then there's nothing wrong with just getting a few pithy thoughts off your chest and into the blogosphere. And that brings us to today, right now, this page that you are reading at this moment. Please forgive me and sorry I've been gone so long!

Governor Sanford's Got A Stimulus Package

At least South Carolina governor Marc Sanford hasn't previously come off as one of the GOP's pious, finger-wagging, family values goons. But it is still hilarious to me how Sanford can be too principled for his state to accept money from the Federal stimulus package, but not so principled that he can't run off to Argentina for a week to dally with his mistress without telling anyone, including his wife. Did he use state funds to finance any part of his trip? Is he crying at his press conference because he's truly sorry, or merely because he got found out? Ah, politics. Methinks that those eager beaver GOP'ers who had run Sanford's name up the flagpole as a possible presidential contender for 2012 are probably taking that flag down as quickly as possible now.

Tango Argentino indeed...

Factoid of the Week That Probably Only Interests Me

Last week the NBC television network had an average nightly rating of 4.6. The most watched basic cable network, USA (owned by NBC Universal), averaged 4.5 per night. USA's top rated show, Royal Pains (fun, well-written although not to deep. You should check it out!), drew 6.5 million visitors for last Thursday's episode. NBC had only two prime time shows the entire week that had a rating equal to or greater than that. Maybe Jeff Zucker was serious at the upfronts when he claimed that NBC thought of itself as "being in the cable business more than being a traditional Big Four network." I guess you've got to go with what works.

Parting Thoughts

Looking at the fight of both words and fists involving Perez Hilton and members of the Black Eyed Peas camp, I'm wondering if so much mediocrity has ever before generated so much vitriol. I'd like to take the combined egos of Hilton and will.i.am and lock them in the new Cowboys Stadium to see if they could actually fit in there. I doubt it...

Jon and Kate+ Eight - Jon = goddamn I don't give a shit. Please go away and start putting money away for your children's therapy bills.

Its good to be back...peace.

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