From: Alex Gregory
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 3:34 PM
To: Teresa Montgomery (DCH-DEN) [mail to:]
Subject: Lunch meeting
Importance: High
Are we still on for the lunch meeting tomorrow @ 1? Haven’t got a confirmation back from you yet. My presentation will be ready. Please make sure you bring the particulars. ;-)
BTW, you’ll never guess what PH did the other day in the Weekly staff meeting! If he doesn’t get fired this time, he’s got more lives than Rasputin.
Alex Gregory
Research Coordinator
Dewey, Chapman & Hewitt Associates
P: 720.555.1616
635 17th Street, 34th Floor
Denver, CO 80202
From: Teresa Montgomery
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 3:42 PM
To: Alex Gregory (DCH-DEN) [mail to:]
Subject: RE: Lunch meeting
I can’t talk right now. Something’s going down. I’ll Tweet you later.
From: Alex Gregory
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 3:50 PM
To: Teresa Montgomery (DCH-DEN) [mail to:]
Subject: RE: RE: Lunch meeting
OK…Is everything alright?
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:11 PM
I tried calling. I tried that Blackberry PIN # thing, but I think I screwed it up. What’s going on? You’re making me nervous…need to talk to you. Hit me back ASAP.
Sent from Blackberry
Tess feels like a change is gonna come…big doings at the Office. Will keep posted.
* * * * * * *
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 9:58 PM
Well, I guess UR not answering your phone. I saw on Twitter that you were talking about a change. WTF? Why won’t you talk to me? I hope we get a chance to talk tomorrow. I don’t like this…
PS I think your new hairdo is sexy. “Don’t go changin’…” ;-)
Sent from Blackberry
From: Teresa Montgomery
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 10:02 AM
To: Alex Gregory (DCH-DEN) [mail to:]
Subject: Meeting
Hi Alex,
We should meet, but not at the Hyatt. We do need to talk. I’ve got to step into a meeting – I should be free by 2. Meet me at the coffee shop in the lobby?
I’m sorry for all this…
Teresa Montgomery
Accounts Payable Coordinator
Dewey, Chapman & Hewitt Associates
P: 720.555.2344
635 17th Street, 25th Floor
Denver, CO 80202
From: Alex Gregory
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 10:07 AM
To: Teresa Montgomery (DCH-DEN) [mail to:]
Subject: RE: Meeting
I can swing it. I can’t wait to hear what this is all about…I think. Take care,
From: Alex Gregory
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 2:45 PM
To: Teresa Montgomery (DCH-DEN) [mail to:]
I waited down there more than a half hour for you, you bitch! What the fuck is going on? I know this is an inappropriate email, which I’m sure the dorkwads in IT would love to get a hold of and send to HR, but I don’t care. I don’t like being toyed with Tess! What’s happening to you? Or should I say, what’s happening to us?
I think I’m going to come downstairs and see you in person…
From: Teresa Montgomery
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 2:45 PM
To: Alex Gregory (DCH-DEN) [mail to:]
Subject: Message failure UNDELIVERABLE
Your message did not reach the intended recipient. This is no longer a valid email address. If you feel this message is in error, please check the email address and try to send again.
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 2:49 PM
I sent an email…but I guess u didn’t get it. I hope u didn’t. It was terrible.
Remember, that time in Breckenridge? When u left me in the lodge wondering where u were and then I went back to our room and I found u, naked and…? When I first touched u in the room that night u said how aggressive I was—it was cuz I was so angry that you played a trick on me but still so hot for u at the same time. I hoped 2day that’s what u were doing, but then I realized u weren’t coming and I got so angry.
Its hard 2 type on these things. Just call me when u can. If what happened to u was because of me, I don’t know how I can make it up 2 you. Plz let me try. I can’t go to the office and do the same shitty job knowing you’re not there.
Sent from Blackberry
Tess will miss most of her co-workers and friends at DCHA, but she is looking forward to an exciting new chapter in her career. Stiff upper lip, right?
• * * * * *
Alex just got one of the shocks of his life at work today.
* * * * *
From: “Tess” []
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 11:16 AM
Subject: an explanation
Dear Alex,
I know it’s been a crazy few days. I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to fill you in on the whirlwind of the past few days. I’m also sorry I didn’t get to see you one last time in the coffee shop. That meeting I stepped into was with my boss and the HR rep. While you were sipping your vanilla latte (you did get the vanilla latte, didn’t you? It amazes me how you always get the exact same thing), I was busy getting fired.
I knew that with the economy being what it is and the consultants on our floor that a big change was coming. I figured some people would get laid off and I even thought I might be one of them, even though my evals have been top notch now for four-plus years. But you know what Alex? I wasn’t “laid off”. I wasn’t “let go.” I was fired. And do you know why? You’ll probably never guess…
Alex, you’re probably the best lover I’ve ever had, but I always knew you would hurt me. Every bone in my body told me that it was a huge mistake to ever get involved with you, but so much for women’s intuition, huh? You could make me feel so special, but at the same time, I knew you would never leave your wife, never leave your child, never leave the firm. And what would that make me to you then? Like the quotation marks around “Alex”. Always the warm-up act for the Big Show. I deserve better.
By now you’re probably wondering exactly what it was that got me fired, especially since the fraternization policy at DCHA is a fucking joke and even if our affair was the cause of my dismissal, it would seem you still have your job. Well, I won’t tell you in this email because you deserve to twist in the wind for a couple days, to wriggle like the slimy, nasty worm you really are. Just make sure you check your mail before your wife does. In it will be a letter from me with no return address and that will tell you all that you need to know about what happened to me…and what’s going to happen to you.
Have a good life Alex. You will never see me or hear from me again. It’s long overdue. Try to be a better husband, a better father and a better man. Then, and only then, can you truly become the man that you think you are.
Alex just got a very important letter that he had been waiting for. How exciting!
• * * * *
To: Teresa Montgomery (DCH-DEN) [mail to:]
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 5:25 PM
Subject :
Importance: High
My name is Cary Stein. You don’t know me, but I work on the 34th floor here at Dewey, Chapman as an assistant to one of the VPs. Peter Howsam? Maybe you’ve heard of him? He’s in charge of Personnel.
It seems you and I have a common interest. Please see the email attached below:
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009
Subject: about the weekend…
Hey baby,
I had a great time with you on Saturday. Too bad it was so short. Well—what we did wasn’t
so short, but the time we had was hardly enough, wouldn’t you agree? (I know, I’m awful.)
I’ll try to get away again some time this weekend, but I promised my wife we’d visit
her folks—you know how that goes!
I get hard just thinking about you. But only you make me get hard anymore. I can’t get
enough of you. Let’s get together soon. My schedule is pretty full, but I will make the
time for you.
Yesterday, I saw you and Alex coming back from the coffee shop. He didn’t see me and of course, you don’t know who I am. But I saw him gently, briefly, take your hand and at one point he rubbed your lower back. You know, the way only people really close to each other do? And then I knew. I was jealous. He’s never that way with me. Sometimes, I swear he treats me like a blowup sex doll.
It wasn’t hard to figure out who you are. It also wasn’t hard to convince one of the guys in IT who has always had a little crush on me that he should dig around in yours and Alex’s email and forward them to one of the HR reps anonymously. It’s really stupid to send sexy emails through work. Even when you delete them, they remain in the server file practically forever. Did you know that?
Anyway, you can have Alex if you still want him, although I doubt you do. He’s a shit. And he’ll get his, don’t worry. But if I’m going to hurt, you’re going to hurt too. Fuck sisterly solidarity. And good luck finding another job.
Alex is bummin' out. But at least I get to enjoy a nice family dinner with the in-laws tonight.
(Copyright Reggie E. Scott 2009, All Rights Reserved)
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