

Iran rejects President Obama's overtures until there is a "substantive change in U.S. policy." Why is it the countries with the worst policies and most dangerous leaders are always the ones that most want everyone else to change?

For my money, you can't top March Madness as this country's premiere sporting event. Its what the top soccer tournaments are on every other continent on the planet (except Australia).

That being said, the part of the NCAA tournament that everyone loves is really the first two rounds. After that, it gets considerably less exciting and more predictable.

I wonder if anyone else's elderly parents are as clueless about computers as mine are.

Everyone is up in arms about the AIG bonuses, but the better question is how the government could not have known about these contracted bonuses when we ostensibly took over the company. At the time we first agreed to bail out AIG with taxpayer money, that would have been the time to kaibosh the bonuses, not now. (I hate to sound like a Bush basher now that the Decider is out of office, but this was something initially arranged under his administration's watch.) The important thing now is to move forward and make sure the accountability is there for all future bailouts and loans.

All the warm early spring weather is nice, but if Denver doesn't start getting some rain or snow soon in significant quantities, I have two words for you: Dust Bowl.

Tracy has on a rerun of Eve and I'm actually laughing. This is shocking. And whatever happened to guest star Morris Day? Or, for that matter, Eve?

I really like the new U2 album, No Line on the Horizon. I'm in "like" with it. I'm not in "love" with it. There's definite filler there and the rockers aren't as strong as the quieter, more experimental songs. Still, it's far from the disaster that some had suggested it would be.

It's been three weeks and Jimmy Fallon's version of Late Night hasn't gotten a lot better. The Roots are still one kick-ass house band though.

I'm trying to figure out how the Colorado Avalanche got so bad, so quickly.

Don't tell me how Battlestar Galactica ends because I haven't watched it yet, but I will before the day is done. This may be the TV show that I wind up missing the most now that it's gone, a sure sign that it ended at the right time: leaving us wanting more.

Why does wine get better with age but human beings only get achy, breaky, bald and fat?


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